Personal protective solutions from head-to-toe
Our job is to protect women and men at work. To this effort, we design and manufacture complete personal and collective protection solutions for professionals worldwide.
Our job is to protect women and men at work. To this effort, we design and manufacture complete personal and collective protection solutions for professionals worldwide.
Delta Plus Knowledge
We help you to develop your skills through training, our tutorials and our centres of expertise. Easily find all the product and regulatory information relating to our ranges thanks to our download centre.

Our mission
For more than 45 years, Delta Plus designs, standardises, manufactures, and distributes globally a full set of solutions in personal and collective protective equipment (PPE) to protect professional at work.

Our history
New products

EPI for the construction industry: our checklist

Noise protection: an innovative acoustic cab

EPI Fall arrest: focus on anchors, connectors, karabiners and swivels

Nuestros equipos de ventas y soporte están a su disposición para ayudarle en sus proyectos de lunes a jueves de 09:00 a 18:00 y viernes de 9:00 a 17:00